Graphene layer patterned by diamane/graphane
areas towards 2D sensor devices
The GLADIATOR project aims at investigating the fundamental physical properties (nano-optics, electronics) of new in-plane heterogeneous sp^2/sp^3-C-based two-dimensional (2D) materials, and at building new devices from them. These new materials are built from the in-plane combination of graphene on the one hand, and of so-called graphane or diamane (see below) on the other hand. This combinationis expected to be achievable by the local conversion of mono or bilayer graphene (1LG, 2LG) into a diamond-related structure. Graphane and diamane exhibit direct band gaps, which is a significant advantage over graphene. The formation of free-standing crystalline graphane layers has not been reported so far, and needs in-depth studies. The successful synthesis of diamane was pioneered within our consortium in 2020 and made possible by the sp^2-C to sp^3-C conversion of 2LG using a pressureless, low-temperature hydrogenation process, resulting in a hydrogenated, 2D carbon material exhibiting for the first time a consistent sp^3-C signature in Raman spectroscopy. The goal of the GLADIATOR project is to produce stable, strain-controlled, in-plane 2LG/diamane and 1LG/graphane hybrid films, and to explore their fundamental physical properties as diamane/graphane strips or graphene ribbon with adjustable widths, and to pattern them into sensor devices. Calculations and modelling are carried out to guide and support the experimental work, such as explaining observations and guide process conditions.
We propose two routes leading to the fabrication of devices, taking the example of sensors, that could generate patents and have a significant societal impact. The first selected route could be suitable for applications in biology, for which the microscale is enough. It aims at preparing micro sensors based on micro-sized diamane strips (edges whose nanoscale geometry is not well controlled). A process easy to implement, with low operating cost, is required, hence metallic masks will be used for this purpose. The second route is devoted to applications in the micro/nano-electronics field.